List of Evaluators>>Introduction of Evaluators
Introduction of Evaluators

Self Introduction Comments
Conditions That Can Be Evaluate
1,500Yen/Times(Tax in)
Genres That Can Be Evaluate
Illust Action Adventure Romance Love story Horror Suspense Comedy Science Fiction Fantasy Human drama Documentary Business Medical Gourmet Sports Gamble Crime
Illust Action Adventure Romance Love story Horror Suspense Comedy Science Fiction Fantasy Human drama Documentary Historical fiction Business Medical Gourmet Sports Gamble Crime
Request for evaluates and other notes
- Before requesting a evaluate, please select one story you want to request. If you have not selected it yet, List Of Posted MangaPlease choose the episode you want to request.
- Manga is okay with private works. It will be visible only to the requested evaluators.
- There are things that can be accepted by the evaluator, such as genre of the subject comic books, evaluates of drafts, etc. There are things that can not be accepted. For details, please see the conditions presented by the evaluator.
- After receiving a request for evaluate, you will receive an email with instructions on how to proceed, so be sure to read through.
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